
Digimon: Heroes 2.0 Episode 46

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*The sun hung high above the Sea Flower and its misfit crew. Hookmon kept the wheel steady while he manned the helm. The heroes on board, as well as the strange new Digimon they met in High Tide town all worked together to keep the ship sailing. All except for Tootsmon, who was asleep in the crows nest, and Glammon, who was working on her tan*

Joey: How much longer do you think it ill be before we reach the King's Revenge, Hookmon?

Hookmon: Hard to say. The King's Revenge is very elusive ship. It could be a great while before we can pick up its trail.

Joey: Smilimon tell you that?

Hookmon: Aye, he tells me many stories told to him by his customers.

Joey: Speaking of which, he and his band mates look awfully somebody I know from earth.

Antylamon: You know, I was just thinking that. They do seem vaguely familiar.

*Just then, Smilimon walked up with a large map rolled up under his arm*

Smilimon: Hey, cap'n, I just got off the horn with buddies back on terra firma and they told me about King's Revenge sightings.

Hookmon: Any from nearby?

Smilimon: One near a town called Sapphire Bay, its a couple of clicks north of here.

Antylamon: How long ago was the attack?

Smilimon: Two days ago.

Joey: That must've been the attack MegaSeadramon told us about.

Smilimon: Perhaps, my goggle headed friend, perhaps.

Peppermon: But they'd be long gone by now.

Antylamon: Hey, where's Geri and Calicomon?

Coolimon: They went down into the galley. I can smell the lunch they're cooking up from here and its fantastic.

Joey: And Commandramon and René?

Coolimon: I remember seeing G.I gecko hammering down a few loose boards.

Peppermon: And frog girl went to lay down. She was looking a little green around the gills. More than usual.

Joey: Weird, never thought she could get sea sick.

Smilimon: Maybe she is fresh water only.

Joey: Maybe I should go talk to her.

*Joey nodded and went below deck. As he entered the lower deck, he could see Geri and Bastemon cooking over a fire place. Over on the side, he could see René lying in a bed with the covers over her, staring up at the ceiling*

Joey: Calicomon, why are you in your Ultimate form?

Bastemon: This form is more helpful in the kitchen. I can use these big ol' nails to scale a fish with ease.

Joey: Oh. *looks at René* Is she all right?

Geri: Hard to say, she is running a fever, but its very slight. I'm making some soup for her.

Joey: *walks over to René's bed, bends over and kisses her* Hi, René.

René: *weakly* Hey, Joey. Sorry I can't speak up, my throat really hurts.

Joey: How did you get sick?

René: I don't know, I just started feeling ill all of a sudden.

Joey: Well, don't worry, Geri's making you some soup, so maybe that will make you feel better. *turns to Geri* Is it hot root?

Geri: Yeah, hot root and noodle in a chicken broth.

René: Yummy…

Geri: You take it easy and save your strength. *pours Rene a bowl* Here Joey, maybe you should help her eat.

Joey: *takes the bowl and gives it to Rene* Here you go.

Rene: Thank you. *slowly sips down each spoon full*

Joey: *looks at Geri* How are you feeling, Geri?

Geri: I'm really worried about Jermaine. Why would Mermaimon want him?

Joey: Same reason René wanted Tom Jones. She probably has a crush on him.

Geri: Really? I guess it would make sense. I do remember René telling me about what happened. *gathers up the rest of the soup* I'm going to take this up on deck for everyone.

Bastemon: Should I stay down here?

Geri: Actually, if you could bring up the grilled fish while I handle the soup.

Bastemon: Okay. *grabs the grilled fish* I've always wanted to swing around on the masts, anyway. *walks up the stairs*

Geri: If you two need anything, we'll be up on deck. *walks upstairs with Bastemon and the soup pot*

*Back up on deck, Geri and Bastemon called out for the others to have lunch*



Feralmon: *turns to see Bastemon* WOMAN!!! *runs after her* WOMAN, WOMAN, WOMAN!!!

Bastemon: *eyes widen* Yaa!! Hey, back away!! *runs away as Feralmon continues to chase her*

Geri: *raises an eyebrow* Um, does that happen often?

Glammon: Every time he sees a girl he likes.

Bastemon: Somebody help!!

*Feralmon continued to chase Bastemon around the ship*

*Meanwhile, on the King's Revenge, Mermaimon was sitting at the captain's table with the rest of her crew. She was sipping a glass of wine that a Sukamon had poured for her*

Sukamon: Enjoy your drink, captain.

Mermaimon: Thank you. Now, if you could be a dear and bring our special guest.

Sukamon: Yes, ma'am!! *hops down to the brig*

*Down in the brig, Jermaine sat in a cell with a pair of Gazimon dressed in pirate attire guarding him*

Jermaine: This…bites.

Gazimon 1: Yeah, well, it's not supposed to be like a spa date or whatever you humans do for fun.

Jermaine: Kinda figured that out with you two guarding me and all.

*Just then, Sukamon came hopping down towards the cell*

Sukamon: The captain wants the prisoner with her.

Jermaine: *rolls his eyes* Hoo boy…

Gazimon 2: Alright, we'll let him out. *takes out the key and unlocks the cell door*

Jermaine: Uh, could I have my ball back then?

Sukamon: That's with the captain in her treasure stash. Without your weapon our your partner, you're just a plain old human, aren't you?

Jermaine: *smirks* Yeah, that's right…I forgot…

Sukamon: Well come on, we can't keep the captain waiting. *hops away*

*Up in her quarters, Mermaimon lay seductively on a satin sheeted bed just as Jermaine was brought into the room by the Gazimon*

Gazimon 1: The prisoner, captain.

Jermaine: Hey…

Mermaimon: Hey yourself. Come. *pats the bed* Get a little more comfortable.

Jermaine: Um, I'd rather not, if that's okay with you.

Mermaimon: Ha ha ha, I insist.

*The gazimon started pushing Jermaine towards the bed*

Jermaine: Okay, okay, I can take a hint!! *sits doiwn next to Mermaimon* So…wassup?

Mermaimon: I just want to say I'm sorry for your living conditions. I wish we didn't have to keep you down in that dark and dank cell.

Jermaine: Oh, so you can feel now? Not very pirate like, I must say.

Mermaimon: Just because I'm a pirate doesn't mean I don't feel. I know we didn't get off to a good start…

Jermaine: Yeah, you robbed innocent Digimon, almost killed me and my friends, then just flung them into the ocean and threw me into the brig! Oh, by the way, one of them was my girlfriend!

Mermaimon: Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. But that was then. *leans in close to Jermaine* This is now.

Jermaine: Sorry, I don't have feelings for you. I love Geri and that's that.

Mermaimon: Well she's not here now, is she?

Jermaine: No, she's not. But I bet your scaly tail that she and my other friends are on their way right now to rescue me. So, I'd watch my back if I were you, girl.

Mermaimon: *scowls* You know, you're cute enough to get away with that comment. But I must let you know that I don't respond well to threats.

Jermaine: *grabs her tail fin* Then respond to this! *lifts Mermaimon up off the bed, spin her around, then hurls her into the wall* Pwn'd!!

Mermaimon: BIG MISTAKE!!! *whistles as loud as she can*

*Suddenly, Shawjamon came crashing through the door of Mermaidmon's quarters*

Shawjamon: How dare you harm my captain when she showed you compassion.

Jermaine: *to himself* Hmm…I know what to do. *turns to Shawjamon* Oh, that was just a love tap. Did you hear? Mermaimon loves me and not you. How do you like that?

Shawjamon: YOU LIE!!!

Jermaine: Oh yeah, ask anyone, she was making her moves on me. Why else did she ask me up to her quarters?

Shawjamon: *turns to Mermaimon* Is this true?

Mermaimon: Oh no, its not, my sweet little mudskipper. I just called him up to say how sorry I was about his friends and I wanted to make it up to him. But he was being a big meanie and threw me across the room like a rag doll.

Shawjamon: *grips his staff tightly* You...You...You hurt Mermaimon! *glares at Jermaine* YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!!!

Jermaine: *frowns* Shoot…

*Moments later, Jermaine was up on deck and tied to the mast. The crew was cheering all around him. Shawjamon sat across from Jermaine on a barrel, cleaning his staff*

Jermaine: You'll see. As soon as she sees a more powerful Digimon, she'll drop you like a hot rock!

Shawjamon: SILENCE!!! The more you talk, the more you delay the inevitable.

Jermaine: *sighs* Guys…hurry up.

*Meanwhile, back on the Sea Flower, everything had calmed down as Hookmon and the crew continued to search for the King's Revenge*

Bastemon: *sitting next to Feralmon* Wow. You know what, you're a little rough around the edges, but you're not half bad.

Feralmon: Thank you.

*Just then, René came up from out of the galley, looking fatigued and a little pale. She was heading for the side of the ship*

Geri: Hey René, are you feeling any better?

René: No…I threw up next to my bed.

Geri: Oh I'm so sorry. I want to help you, but I don't know what else to do.

René: Don't bother. I'm going after the King's Revenge myself.

Geri: *eyes widen* Not like this, you're about ready to collapse!

Rene: Mermaimon knew who I was...I've got to find out how she knows me. Don't worry, Geri, I'll have Jeremaine back as soon as possible. But if I don't come full force on the ship. *dives into the water ans swims as fast as lightning*

Tootsmon: *looks over the edge* Wow, that frog girl can really swim.

Geri: Can't you?

Tootsmon: I sink.

*Smilimon was up in the crows nest looking around through a telescope when he spots a ship on the horizon*

Smilimon: Ship ahoy, my sea bound amigos!

Hookmon: Good eye, Smilimon! Now the rest of ye, prepare the canons!

Glammon: Oh wow, things are about to get messy.

Peppermon: Don't worry babe, I'll be right by your side. Now you get the powder, I'll get the canon balls.

Joey: I better go down to check up on René.

Geri: She left.

Joey: *eyes widen* What?!

Geri: She just jumped off the side of the ship and swam away. I tried to stop her, but she slipped past.

Joey: Why the hell did she do that? Doesn't she know she's sick?!

Geri: She wanted to know why Mermaimon knew her…and to rescue Jermaine.

Joey: *panicking* Oh no. No, no, no, no, no! This isn't good! We gotta go get her before she gets herself killed!

Geri: I'm sorry, it's too late. She's gone and there is no way we can keep up with her. We'll find them, there is no doubt about that.

Joey: *sighs* I hope you're right.

Geri: It'll be okay, I promise.

Antylamon: Yeah, she's like a sister to me.

Calicomon: Although I am kinda curious about her connection to Mermaimon, too.

*Back aboard the King's Revenge, Mermaimon sat across from the tied up Jermaine as Shawjamon prepared to execute him*

Mermaimon: This is your last chance. Either you submit to me or you die.

Jermaine: Then I guess I'll have to die, because I ain't about to break Geri's heart! She's the most terrific girl I've ever known in my entire life, and no one can change that! *to himself* Man, was that corny…

Mermaimon: Oh, well, if you want to die, I won't stand in your way. *nods to Shawjamon*

*Suddenly, René out from the water and landed on the deck of the ship, with an angered look on her face and raising a hand at Mermaimon*

René: Draining Rain!!

Mermaimon: *dodges the attack* So, you were able to find your way back? Oh well, I'll just have to deal with you. Northern Cross Bomber! *fires an anchor at Rene*

René: Hyah!! *jumps up onto the anchor, runs across it, jumps off and onto Mermaimon* You know who I am…how do you know of me? Tell me!

Mermaimon: Well not you exactly. Your sister and I were girlfriends.

René: You knew my sister? My evil…greedy…spoiled brat of a sister?!

Mermaimon: That's right. In fact, she would've been my first mate if it wasn't for you and the other Heroes.

Jermaine: Hey, she was a bitch and deserved what she got, lady!!

Mermaimon: Well, if that's how you're going to be. Anchor Blitz! *begins swinging her anchor around*

René: *jumps off Mermaimon* I'm much stronger than I appear!! *grabs the anchor and yanks it out of Mermaimon's grasp* Now, release Jermaine or…or… *drops the anchor and falls to her knees* Ugh…

Mermaimon: Not feeling too well?

Jermaine: René, what's wrong, are you all right?

Rene: I don't know…I feel sick…

Mermaimon: *sarcastically* Aw, That's too bad. Such a shame. *turns to Shawjamon* Mudskipper, rip her head off.

Shawjamon: Yes my captain. *readies his blade*

Rene: *looks up at Shawjamon* Oh dear…

???: Ahoy!!

Mermaimon: *annoyed* Ugh, now what?!

Jermaine: That voice, why does it sounds so familiar?

*Mermaimon, Jermaine, Shawjamon, René and the rest of the crew turned their heads to see the Sea Flower pulled up next to their ship about twenty feet away. Hookmon stood atop the mast, staring angrily at Mermaimon's motley crew, aiming his hand canon at them*

Hookmon: Crew of the King's Revenge, I am Hookmon, captain of the Sea Flower. My ship's canons are armed and aimed right at you and will fire on my command, unless you give in to our demands. Release your human prisoner and renounce your villainous ways, and you shall be spared. If you refuse, we will sink your ship!!

Jermaine: *eyes widen* WAIT?!? Hookmon, aren't you dead?!

Hookmon: *looks to Jermaine* Aye, I was, Jermaine…but I've come back…and have changed my ways, all thanks to you. *looks at Mermaimon's crew* So, what be your answer? Do you release him, or do we have to take him by force?

Mermaimon: You're welcome to try.

Hookmon: You've been warned, lass. *calls down to Smilimon* FIRE!!!

Smilimon: Fire the fuzzy wrecker!

Peppermon: Firing the fuzzy wrecker!

*Peppermon then lit a canon fuse and surprisingly fired Feralmon out of the canon and at the deck of the King's Revenge*

Feralmon: WWAAAAAAHHHHH!!! *lands on the deck and sends various crew members scattering*

Jermaine: *raises an eyebrow* Animal?!

Mermaimon: Shawjamon, stop that thing!!

Shawjamon: Of course, my lady. *charges at Feralmon* Whirlpool Formation!! *spins his staff and forms a giant whirlpool in the air*

Glammon: *jumps onto the deck of the King's Revenge* All right, let's get him out of there!

Coolimon: *jumps onto the deck of the King's Revenge* Don't worry, man, we're the good guys.

Jermaine: Um, why am I being saved by muppets?

Coolimon: Look, do you wanna get out of here or not, man?

Jermaine: Yes please.

Coolimon: Okay, then.

*Coolimon started to undo the ropes around Jermaine as Peppermon and Glammon picked him and the sick and feeble René up off the deck*

Peppermon: Come on Feralmon, we gotta blow this pop stand.

Hookmon: *jumps onto the deck of the King's revenge* No, if we retreat now, who knows how many more Digimon they'll slaughter.

Glammon: I don't know, cap'n, sounds so uncouth.

Peppermon: Well, its a messy job and it has no benefits, but somebody has to do it.

Hookmon: Go back to the ship and rally the others. I'll handle this ship's captain and her little pet.

Coolimon: Sure thing, big guy. Come on now, we got work to do.

*Peppermon and the others, along with Jermaine and René in their arms, quickly jumped across the water and back onto the Sea Flower, leaving Hookmon alone on the King's Revenge to fend off against its crew*

Joey: *takes René in his arms* Are you okay?

René: No…but at least I'm not dead.

Coolimon: Alright, in absence of the captain, Smilimon is the mon in charge.

Smilimon: Indeed I am, my mop topped friend. Alright, everybody gather around, your commanding officer has something to say.

Geri: What's that?

Smilimon: Now I'm sure all y'all wanna go home. Heck I know I do. But we got ourselves an old fashioned pirate battle on our hands. Our fearless captain has left to fight the good fight but he can't it alone. If we leave 'em, we'll look back on day and say "Why did we leave like that?" Now what do y'all say we got over, make like exorcists, and make heads spin, YA WITH ME?!?

Antylmon: Definitely!!

Commandramon: I'm with you, sir!!

Coolimon: Sounds like it's going to be a real party.

Jermaine: It's payback time!

Bastemon: REOWR!!!!

Joey: *puts René in Coolimon's arms* Put her back down below and keep an eye on her, okay?

Coolimon: Don't worry, man, she's in safe hands. Besides, I do know a few things about doctoring.

Joey: Thanks. *turns to face the others* Alright, let's sink them!!

*Everyone began cheering as they jumped aboard the King's Revenge and began to fight off its crew, while Coolimon took René back down into the bottom beck of the Sea Flower*

*At the same time, as Hookmon fought Shawjamon and Mermaimon, two random crew members begin to sneak up on him*

Smilimon: Crazy Fists! *stretches his arms out and punches the two away from Hookmon*

Hookmon: *looks at Smilimon* Thank ye, Smilimon. *turns back to Mermaimon and Shawjamon* Who's first?

Shawjamon: Getsugazan!! *slashes at Hookmon*

Hookmon: *blocks the attack with his hook* Come on, Shawjamon, snap out of it!! You don't have to be this wench's pawn. You are a noble warrior…remember!!

Shawjamon: She is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

Hookmon: That is the control talking…not your heart. What does your heart tell you?

Shawjamon: You don't understand, I am in love with this woman.

Hookmon: Then I don't wish to waste my time with you. Step aide.

Shawjamon: I can't let you do that.

Hookmon: Oh, so your lady can't defend herself?

Mermaimon: *narrows her eyebrows* Back off, Skipper...I'll handle ol' Hooky here myself.

Shawjamon: But…my love… *sighs* Very well, I'll take his cohorts. *runs off to fight the others*

Hookmon: I hear you are a very notorious pirate on these waters.

Mermaimon: And I heard you were dead.

Hookmon: I was…*points his hook at her* And I'd gladly kill you…but that wouldn't be very noble…especially since you are a lady.

Mermaimon: Well then don't think I'll go so easy on you.

Hookmon: Lets make it a bet. If I win, you give up your pirating ways and turn yourself in to MegaSeadamon.

Mermaimon: And if I win?

Hookmon: If you win…you may destroy my ship…and take me as your prisoner.

Mermaimon: Very well. *lunges at him with her anchor*

Hookmon: Hyah!! *dodges the attack and then fires off his canon*

Mermaimon: *Narrowly slips past the cannon shell* Nice shot

Hookmon: Thenk ye. *swings his hook against Mermaimon's anchor* You're not so bad, either.

Mermaimon: Well I try to practice fighting as often as I can. It's not easy to fight like this without legs.

Hookmon: A shame since I'm going to chop off your tail and dice it up into digital sushi!

Mermaimon: I'd like to see you try. Charm Plunder! *fires a pink beam filled with hearts from out of her eyes at Hookmon's face*

Hookmon: *blocks the attack with his arm* Oh no, you're not gonna turn me into a drooling zombie like ya did with Shawjamon, ya witch!!

Mermaimon: Actually, I didn't have to. He may be the "Noble Warrior of the Sea", but he's also a real pushover when it comes to women.

Hookmon: *raises an eyebrow* Pushover? Shawjamon?

Mermaimon: I know, I was just as surprised as you are.

Hookmon: *puts his hook at her throat* DON'T YOU LIE TO ME, WENCH!!!

Mermaimon: For once I am not lying.

Hookmon: Come now, I've pillaged, plundered, rifled and looted long before you hatched from your egg, so I know how to fake being sincere. You, I must say, are doing a damn good job at it.

Mermaimon: I'm telling you the truth. He's just a big lovesick turtle.

*Just then, during another battle with the pirate crew, Joey activated his hammer and slammed it down onto the deck of the ship, causing the wooden floor to wobble and crack like there was an earthquake going on*

Hookmon: *trying to stand straight* WHOA!!!!

Tootsmon: Yikes, man, did I get the shakes again?

Bastemon: Nope, this ship is gonna fall apart if we keep on fighting like this!

Tootsmon: What a day to forget my innertube.

Joey: Someone go help out Hookmon!

Smilimon: I'm on it. *looks at Hookmon* HEY CAP'N!!!

Hookmon: *looks at Smilimon* Huh?


Hookmon: *nods and looks back at Mermaimon* Sweet dreams, Lass. *dives out of the way*

Smilimon: Stunning Grin!! *shines a bright light off his gold tooth and blinds Mermaimon*

Mermaimon: AAAHHH!!! My eyes!! *starts rubbing her eyes*

Hookmon: Now ta finish you! *raises his hook* You won't be hurting anyone ever again!!

Mermaimon: *raises her hand in defense* Wait, stop!! I concede!!

Hookmon: *lowers his hook* Good. So, you remember our bargain? I win, you give up your murderin' ways.

Mermaimon: I know that. I just couldn't keep fighting if you can just keep blinding me with your weird and colorful companion.

Hookmon: *extends a hand to Mermaimon* May I help you up then, my lady?

Mermaimon: I thank you. *grabs a hold and pulls herself up*

Hookmon: *looks at the battling crew and raises his hook* Stop!! Mermaimon has surrendered, the ship is ours!!

*The Heroes, their Digimon and the crew of the Sea Flower cheered at the announcement while the the crew of the King's Revenge hung their heads in disappointment*

Hookmon: *looks at Mermaimon* No hard feelings?

Mermaimon: No, I was bested and you won the bet. Perhaps it's high time to put this whole pirate thing to rest.

Shawjamon: But, my captain…my love…

Mermaimon: I'm sorry, Shawjamon, it's over.

Hookmon: The spell over you has been broken…you are free.

Shawjamon: There was no spell over me! I truly love her.

Hookmon: *raises an eyebrow* What?

Shawjamon: *sighs depressingly* How could you break my heart like that?

Hookmon: *pause* Wow, what a pushover.

Mermaimon: I suppose it's true what they say, the truth is stranger than fiction.

Hookmon: *chuckles* I guess so. *pause* Say, um, miss? I was wondering. If you weren't too busy tomorrow, I was wondering…um…if you and I could…

Mermaimon: *raises an eyebrow* Why captain, are you asking me out to dinner?

Hookmon: *blushes* Well, um…

Mermaimon: *smiles* I'd love to…that is, if I'm not executed by then. Hopefully, I'll just get community service.

Hookmon: Maybe. So…six o'clock?

Mermaimon: *kisses Hookmon's cheek* It's a date.

*Later, the captured ship; the King's Revenge was being towed back to land by a rope attached to the back of the Sea Flower. Jermaine, the other Heroes and their Digimon gathered on the deck so that he could be caught up on what happened after the others were thrown off the ship*

Geri: So, we set sail in search for the King's Revenge, and you, and that's most of it.

Commandramon: I'm just glad you're okay, sir.

Jermaine: Yeah, well, it's all been pretty surreal to me. Captured by pirates, seduced by a mermaid, and rescued by muppets.

Joey: Yeah…I'm starting to have thoughts about them, too. But anyway, welcome back to the crew, dude.

Jermaine: Yeah its good to be back. But where did you find these guys anyway? I mean last I check, Sealsdramon killed Hookmon.

Antylamon: Well, Jermaine, usually after an evil Digimon has been killed, his data gets purified, allowing him to be reborn with good intentions. This is what happened to Hookmon.

Bastemon: As for where we found him, he was at this place called High Tide Town.

Joey: Somewhere along the coast.

Jermaine: How come we've never heard of it before?

Peppermon: *walks by* You know how small towns are. They tend to disappear off the map.

Joey: Hmm…

Commandramon: You guys really think Mermaimon can make up for all the destruction and plunder she's done?

Glammon: *walks up* Don't worry about that. A little community service back at town and she'll be off the hook in a few years.

Geri: I hope you're right about that.

Joey: *looks at Glammon* So, how's René doing down below?

Glammon: She looks about ready to pass out. I mean she did it a few times already. But Coolimon is down there as you asked, helping any way he can.

*Just then, Coolimon came walking up from down below, with a sad look on his face. Joey and the others quickly turned to see him*

Coolimon: *sighs* I'm afraid there's nothing I can do, little dudes. *pause* René's not sick…she's dying.

Heroes: *eyes widen* WHAT?!?!

Episode 46 of Heroes 2.0. The hunt for Jermaine continues as Hookmon and his crew sail in search for the dreaded King's Revenge. Plus, Rene's condition takes a turn for the worse.

Written by me and :iconmrskaoovie:
© 2011 - 2024 HewyToonmore
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Darth-Drago's avatar
Joey is going to be heatborken if she deads and i don't like a tragic story, including a love story!