
The Nutcracker and The Mouse King Chapter 2

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Drosselmeyer: Once upon a time, long, long ago…

*As Drosselmeyer speaks, a flashback sequence alters the scene as if the children were entering a dream. For what they imagine is a far away land, a kingdom on an island in the midst of an endless sea. A kingdom so majestic in architect with multiple towers, gliterring a silver gleam from the walls, with stained glass windows on each end, and a small garden right in the courtyard. The place where Drosselmeyer's story takes place*

Drosselmeyer: *narrating* There was a kingdom, far across the sea on a large island.

*There are several people who inhabit the island; despite not being big, it was large enough to fit a kingdom full of occupations. From the Royal guard who stand at their posts by the castle walls and carrying their spears, to the maids and gardeners trimming the hedges in the shape of various animals, to the butlers and other servants dusting the knight statues and portraits of the royal family. But none as more important as the royal family themselves who sit eloquently on their throne, overlooking all the activity*

Drosselmeyer: *narrating* It was known as Schlaraffenland, and you won't find this place on a map, because it's "not" a place found on a map. For as long as any can recall, those who know this kingdom either have lived there all their lives or only those "worthy" enough know of it's location. Of all the people in the whole kingdom, none was more prestigious than The Royal Family. On this very day, the King and Queen had just been bestowed with a beautiful baby girl, their last hope for their glorious future. And they named her Pirlipat, a name as beautiful as her radiant beauty that made the kingdom full of sunshine. Throughout the kingdom, everyone was happy for this special occasion and thus the King was determined to keep his precious daughter safe. Which is why no outsiders or foreigners were allowed to come, the only ships that passed were supply ships that the King put his full trust to bring him supplies from the outside world.

*Two servants carry one of the delivered crates to the pantry in the kitchen. They set in the back with all the other crates and proceed to leave the room*

Drosselmeyer: *narrating* Then one fateful day, "they" showed up.

*The lid of the crate opens slowly as hundreds of eyes peer out, looking side-to-side in their new surroundings. Then dark shapes start to burst out of the crate and begin exploring the pantry*

Drosselmeyer: *narrating* At first, it started with just "one" sighting. But then they came in tens, then hundreds, and thousands. No one in the kingdom had ever seen them before, but they were the most vile creatures they had ever seen: Mice. And it would begin with but a small act…of nativity.

*The Queen makes her way into the pantry and goes to a crate that says "Lard". Just as she was about to open the lid, she hears a series of squeaks in the room. She turns to one side of the room, as the furred creatures scurry past her on the other side. She looks all around, she could hear the cries but she can't find them. And then, just as she turns back to the lard, she lets out a small cry as she sees a herd of mice all around the barrel and in the far end of the room. Standing on top of the lid was the tallest of them all. A more slender creature than the others. While the other mice were black and scary, she was a brown mouse with blue eyes and wore the garbs that would make her look like Queen Elizabeth I*

Drosselmeyer: *narrating* And the mastermind of those fiendish creatures was the most feared of that time: The Queen of the Mice, Madam Mouserinks. A mouse of pure evil… And ironically, the most beautiful of them all…

Madam Mouserinks: Please don't fear us. We're just poor, hungry travelers in a strange world. I only wish to feed my children, who haven't had a bite in weeks. From one mother-to-another, you understand don't you?

The Queen: What is it do you want?

Madam Mouserinks: *looks down at the barrel* This looks like some fine lard you've got. Yes, one certainly wouldn't find this kind anywhere else in the world. I'd say this would be enough to feed my family. If you'd just open the lid, we can feast.

The Queen: But… But I can't. It's for my husband's sausage. I promised him to have it ready for dinner tonight.

Madam Mouserinks: So you live by your husband's rules, without liberty to make your own decision. What a shame? I would hoped you'd know how hard it is to raise as many kids as I have. Surely that must be even harder than how you've attempted to raise a child.

The Queen: What do you know about my daughter?

Madam Mouserinks: Ah… So it's a girl, I knew the rumors had to be true. Such a pretty daughter I hear… It be a shame if an "accident" were to happen to her.

The Queen: No… You can't… You wouldn't!

Madam Mouserinks: It's like this: I could do whatever I want, whenever I want, and no one can tell me otherwise. But I am not without nobility, I'm a reasonable Queen. From Queen-to-Queen, we can compromise: Hand it over this Lard and I promise absolutely "nothing" will happen to your daughter.

The Queen: All right… You can have the lard, have anything you want! Just please spare my little girl.

Madam Mouserinks: Just remember, your highness: You made a promise. So "live" by your word or "die" by it. *smiles slyly* Have a nice day.

*Madam Mouserinks watches the Queen leave in horror and disgust, having been told off by a mouse. Then she turns back to her "children" as a more sinister smile forms on her face*

Drosselmeyer: *narrating* Little would the Queen have realized that "one" decision would ultimately put the kingdom in all out anarchy and chaos. In a month's time, the castle was overrun with thousands of Madam Mouserinks' children. Taking full advantage of the Queen's hospitality, Mouserinks sent her children to plunder and steal everything in sight. The King's servants and maids tried to stop them, but none had experience with catching the mice. Soon the mouse population began to grow bigger than the King's people, and as for the King... He knew times had become desperate. And he would be willing to do "anything" to stop them.

The King: I will not stand for this any longer; Mouserinks has overstayed her welcome.

The Queen: But dear, the Mouse Queen said…

The King: I will NOT allow my kingdom to fall into poverty and starvation for her own wants! I want the Mouse Queen's head on my mantle and all her children disposed of! *sighs* There's only one man I know who is perfect for the job. *calls out* Squire!

Squire: Sir?

The King: Bring me… Herr Drosselmeyer.

Marie: *voice over* Drosselmeyer? He had the same name as you, uncle?

Drosselmeyer: *narrating* Ah, yes. Coincidence, no? But of course, it was a "popular" name in my time. And at that time, Drosselmeyer was known far and wide for his inventions, a man of science he was. Course he'd never had much use for his inventions… Until that very day.

*The doors open wide as Herr Drosselmeyer, bearing an eerie similar appearance to Uncle  Drosselmeyer, steps forth toward the King, who sit anxiously as the mysterious inventor approaches*

Drosselmeyer: *bows down* Greetings, your majesty; how may I be of service?

The King: I'm sure you're well aware of the mice infestation in the castle?

Drosselmeyer: How could I not be aware? The whole Kingdom knows of this. There's no secret hidden within these walls, your majesty.

The King: Yes, well, something must be done about all these blasted, filthy rodents! As the court inventor, I order you to figure out a way to kill all the mice in the castle. That includes Madam Mouserinks!

Drosselmeyer: Not to worry, my lord. Allow me to demonstrate some…creativity.

*Later, Drosselmeyer is right to work setting up the traps for the rats. He set springs under certain tiles to be weight sensitive, he created trap doors along the halls, built his own mouse traps and placed bits of food along the cracks and mouse holes, and set a mixture of unknown liquid lubricated along certain areas. Within moments, all the traps went at work as they did a number on the mice one-by-one*

Drosselmeyer: *narrating* Just as he promised, Drosselmeyer would proceed to capture all the mice in the kingdom, dead or alive. He used every trick in his book: He poisoned their food, set spring-activated mallets to bash their skulls, and would plunge several mice to a watery grave. It never mattered how he did it, The King was pleased to see every mice in the kingdom removed from his sight… All, except Madam Mouserinks.

*The King sits on his throne, while the Queen is pacing back and forth in the room. Word had spread of the death to the mice clan, yet they don't feel thrilled to hear the news. Drosselmeyer had already left the Kingdom and the Queen was still alive. All the more reason for The Queen to be nervous*

The Queen: She's still alive, I know she is.

The King: My dear, stop this pacing this instant! You look weak, it makes "me" look weak.

The Queen: We lied to Mouserinks! I gave her my word she could have anything she wants and I broke it. It's my own fault, it just seemed so harmless at first. But now with the death of her children… Our child… Oh no!

The King: That monster will not lay a hand on our daughter! She will not make us look the fool! Squire!

Squire: Sir?

The King: Send a maid to guard our daughter; inform her to bring some cats with her.

Squire: Yes, your majesty. *rushes out the door*

The King: *turns to The Queen* Mouserinks will not have her way with us. Our daughter will not be taken from us.

Drosselmeyer: *narrating* But The King's arrogance would ultimately lead to their downfall. He had underestimated Madam Mouserinks' true power… A power that would soon be revealed on the most tragic night of their lives.

*It is very late at night, the little Princess, Pirlipat, sleeps peacefully in her royal cradle while the maid sleeps on a rocking chair and one cat keeps a sharp eye out from her lap. From a blind spot in the room, a small hole in the corner, stood Mouserinks herself, her gaze towards the cradle with a look of pure hatred and bitterness. She creeps down the floor and sneaks toward the cradle. Suddenly, she hears a breeze at the back of her neck, she turns and comes face-to-face with the cat. But she doesn't appear frightened or intimidated, rather more…annoyed. The cat lunges toward Mouserinks, who stands there for a moment, but steps aside. As the cat lands, she quickly bites the cat's paw, it gives a silent yelp… Then he passes out on the floor. Mouserinks wipes her mouth after her handiwork, keeping it as quiet as possible. She then climbs up the cradle and stares down at the child, who is unaware of the Mouse looming over her*

Madam Mouserinks: Maybe I got it all wrong. Perhaps I'm overreacting, that there is still some hope and decency in mankind. And this child… This innocent child… Such a pity. But… They "gave" me their word and they broke it. I will make them suffer for their actions… Starting… With… You.

*Exposing her fangs, Mouserinks jumps into the cradle. A snap is heard followed by a baby's cry, a cry of pain! The maid is awoken by the cries, nearly falling out of the chair. She stumbles towards the cradle but when she looks inside…*

Maid: *covers her mouth* Oh my god!

Drosselmeyer: *narrating* The King and Queen were alerted of Mouserink's presence and they desperately rushed to their daughter. But the damage was already done.

*The King and Queen storm into the child's bedroom and are shocked at what they see inside. The infant Pirlipat, once their most beautiful daughter, had become ugly. A cottony beard reaching past her neck, a permanent wide grin, and her head was larger than her own body. She looked like a Nutcracker*

The Queen: *cries* Pirlipat!!! *covering her eyes and mourning seeing her child this way*

The King: *furiously screams* MOUSERINKS!!!!

*The King's anguish roars throughout the Kingdom and over the sea, as thunder boomed in the sky and lightning outlined the castle followed by an evil cackle of Mouserinks, the mouse pleased with her actions*

Drosselmeyer: *narrating* When Drosselmeyer was summoned back at the castle, he knew for certain that he had failed in some way. The King had been unhappy ever since his only daughter was cursed and he blamed the man for his misfortune.

The King; One thing, Drosselmeyer! I asked you to do ONE thing for us: Capture all the mice, dead or alive. And yet you let Mouserinks run free.

Drosselmeyer: I told you already: Mouserinks was a crafty one. I knew she wouldn't be taken so easily.

The King: And now my daughter is hideous! We are now the laughing stocks of our entire kingdom… And it's all because of you! I should have you sentenced to a life time in prison… Or else, I can order for your execution right now!

The Queen: Dear, please! Haven't we already lost so much? Surely you can at least give Drosselmeyer "one" more chance. At least to find a cure for our daughter.

The King: *ponders* Yes… Our Daughter will be cured. Pirlipat will come back to us. *turns to Drosselmeyer* Very well. You have "four" weeks to find a cure and if you don't have one by then…

Drosselmeyer: I understand, I know what I must do. Your daughter "will" be free, you have my word… This time. I promise.

Drosselmeyer: *narrating* For four weeks, Drosselmeyer searched for a remedy for the Princess' illness. He searched all throughout the kingdom, but could find nothing close to a cure. Not even the kingdom archives could reveal anything that could be useful. By the time the four weeks had come to an end, Drosselmeyer knew a close friend who may have the answer: The Court Astrologer.

*Drosselmeyer approaches the King and Queen with The Court Astrologer beside him. He wears a collarless coat with deep cuffs and matching waistcoats, worn with breeches, ruffled shirts, silk stockings, and buckled shoes. On his head is the biggest wig anyone has seen. He carries in his hand a rather important document*

The King: I am losing my patience with you, Drosselmeyer. Have you found the remedy to my daughter's illness or not?

Drosselmeyer: As a matter of fact, your honor, We may have found a solution to the problem with your daughter.

The Queen: Well?

The Court Astrologer: Well, it's a simple process... But it gets complicated. *looks at the file* According to your daughter's horoscope, the only way to rid your daughter of her ugliness would require her to consume a nut.

The King: That's all? A nut?

Drosselmeyer: Not just any nut, I'm afraid… The Krakatuk nut.

The King: Crack-a-took?

The Court Astrologer: Based on what we know, the Krakatuk nut must be cracked and handed to her by a young man who has never shaved nor worn boots since birth, and who must, without opening his eyes, hand her the kernel and take seven steps backwards without stumbling.

The King: What matter of science is that?

Drosselmeyer: It is not science, my lord… It's a magic nut.

The King: I don't believe in magic! I believe in results! Which is why you two will scour the land and find both the nut and the one who will crack the nut. Until you find them, you are not allowed to return to my palace. Fail: If I don't live to see my daughter's beautiful face again… Neither will you. Understand?

Drosselmeyer & Court Astrologer: *bows* Yes, Your Majesty.

Drosselmeyer: *narrating* But it wasn't such an easy task. Drosselmeyer and the Court Astrologer sailed all over the world in search of the elusive Krakatuk nut… But after fifteen years of searching, all looked hopeless for the two. They returned to the kingdom empty-handed, dreading the fate that would befall them once they informed the king and queen of their failure.

The Court Astrologer: It's hopeless, Drosselmeyer. We've searched the ends of the Earth, the King expects our return and we still don't have the nut. You know what'll happen if we fail.

Drosselmeyer: *pause* Yes, I do… There's just one last place I wish to visit.

The Court Astrologer: Where?

Drosselmeyer: If this be our last time together, I wish to revisit an old relative of mine. At least so I can say my goodbyes before we face the consequences.

Drosselmeyer: *narrating* Drosselmeyer led the Court Astrologer to the far outskirts of the kingdom where a single shop stood within the far side. Not many people went in there, as a matter of fact it was a rather empty place.

The Court Astrologer: Why have we stopped here?

Drosselmeyer: My cousin runs this shop, along with his two children. By the looks of things, business must be running slower than usual.

The Court Astrologer: *looks around* That I can see. *stops, gasps* Drosselmeyer… Look!

*Drosselmeyer turns to the Astrologer's direction and there it stood. Sitting in the center of a table, the Krakatuk nut stood sealed in a glass case*

Drosselmeyer: I don’t believe it…

The Court Astrologer: All this time… But why now?

Drosselmeyer: It's fate, my friend. It's all a manner of fate.

???: Hello? Who's there?

*The two turned to see a young woman emerge from a curtain. A teenage girl, no older than sixteen, garbed in a green dress with red hair tied in a single ponytail. This was Drosselmeyer's niece, Clara*

Clara: Uncle Drosselmeyer? Is… Is that you?

Drosselmeyer: Clara?

Clara: *rushes into her uncle's arms* Oh, Uncle Drosselmyer, it IS you!

Drosselmeyer: Clara! *hugs her niece* Oh, how I missed you so. looks at Clara from top to bottom My, you certainly have grown, haven't you? Last time I saw you, you were just a little baby!

*Just then, another person comes out through the curtain, a gentleman slightly older than the girl and stood a foot taller. His style of attire was work garments. A light brown shirt with a string, a brown vest, and dark pants. His hair was in a ponytail and he had a small beard on his chin. He walked out barefoot unlike his sister. This was Drosselmeyer's nephew, Kristoff*

Clara: Kristoff, look who's here!

Drosselmeyer: Kristoff, good to see you again, my boy!

Kristoff: *raises an eyebrow* Uncle! Well, this certainly is a surprise. Where have you been all these years?

Drosselmeyer: Oh, it's a long story, children--

The Court Astrologer: Ahem!

Drosselmeyer: *looks to the Court Astrologer* Oh, yes, I’m sorry. These are Clara and Kistoff, my cousin’s children I mentioned.

The Court Astrologer: Charmed.

Droseelmeyer: *looks to Kristoff* How is your father, by the way?

Kristoff: I wouldn't know… Clara and I haven't spoken to him since he left.

Drosselmeyer: Oh… I see.

Kristoff: I'm the only man left in our family, least until you came.

The Court Astrologer: Tell me, boy, where and when did you get that Krakatuk nut there?

Kristoff: It was a gift from our mother when she got sick.

Clara: She said it'd bring us good luck!

Kristoff: That was about…fifteen years ago, I believe.

Drosselmeyer: Fifteen years… All this time searching and it was right under my nose. I only regret that I didn't come soon enough.

Kristoff: What’s this all about, uncle?

The Court Astrologer: Come with us to the castle, we'll explain everything on the way. But we must hurry!

Drosselmeyer: Wait! Kristoff, have you ever in your life worn boots?

*Kristoff came out from behind the table, revealing he was walking around in bare feet*

Kristoff: Not that I remember, uncle; we can hardly afford to keep this place going. Why?

Drosselmeyer: Perfect! To the castle!

*As quick as they could, the men and the two children rushed to the castle as fast as they could Drosselmeyer keeping a tight grip on the Krakatuk nut. Finally, they reached the throne room where the King and Queen sat on their thrones and gave quick bows before speaking*

Drosselmeyer: Your majesty, I bring good news to your kingdom. *resents the nut* Behold: The Krakatuk nut.

The Queen: Oh, how wonderful!

The King: It's so… So… Small. Are you sure this will cure Pirlipat?

Drosselmeyer: *nods* As sure as doves can fly, your majesty. Now, where is the princess?

The Queen: The same place she's been since the curse… In her room.

The King: Come with us. It's far worse than you can ever imagine.

*As The King and Queen led the group to the Princess' chamber, a dark figure watches from the chandelier. It is Mouserinks, who appears as though the years haven't really aged her at all. She is not alone, however. In-between the fifteen years of Drosselmeyer's departure, she gave birth to a son. At this time, he had just become nine and bears the same color as her mother. He stands by her mother, as she speaks*

Madam Mouserinks: Take a good look, boy. They actually believed they have found the solution to their problem. I must admit I'm surprised they found the nut after all these years. Still, if legend is true, all those who had tried to crack the tooth ultimately "failed". All the more satisfying to see mankind suffer, just as they made our clan suffer all those many years ago.

Mouse Prince: But what if they succeed, mother? Will I not become king like you had promised?

Madam Mouserinks: It has always been your destiny to rule this land as King. Once we dispose of The Royal Family, this land will soon be ours for the taking. And even if they can find a man to crack the nut, who's to say he'll "finish" the ritual? Trust me my boy: Mommy is always one step ahead of them.

*Once The King and Queen lead the group to the Princess' chamber, they are hesitant at first to open the door. They turn to each other and give a silent nod as they made for the door. The Queen takes the key and slowly unlocks the door and pushes it open. It is so dark in the room, the windows boarded up, the walls were all black, and hardly any light was shown. In the dark, the group can see the Princess and they can tell it was worse than they imagined. Though she was a little taller than when she was a babe, Pirlipat still retained the same ugly features and she was practically in ragged clothes. She sits there looking down at the floor till she raises her head to see her parents and the strangers, her permanent grin making the later feel slightly uncomfortable*

Princess Pirlipat: Is it time?

The King: Yes… We've all waited long enough, my dear.

Princess Pirlipat: *stands up from the chair* At last!

Kristoff: *bows* Princess Pirlipat, I promise to do my best to try and break the curse that has befallen you.

Drosselmeyer: *narrating* And so the King and Queen led their daughter back to the throne room, as Drosselmeyer prepped his nephew for the ceremony. It would be a life-changing experience for it all; they hoped the outcome would be good.

Clara: *approaches Kristoff* Good luck, Kristoff.

Kristoff: Don't worry, Clara, I got this… I hope.

*Kristoff closes his eyes and carefully places the Krakatuk nut into his mouth. He starts to press down on the nut as hard as he can. Everyone in the room watches anxiously at the boy's effort, but it appears as though the shell won't break. Madam Mouserinks and her son could see everything from atop the chandelier, a devious smile on her face thinking that failure had already come. But then, she hears a crack and looks in surprise as she sees Kristoff successfully cracked the shell revealing the kernel. The Astrologer wipes his brow with a handkerchief, as Kristoff approaches the Princess and hands her the kernel. She looks at the it for a moment, then cautiously slips it into her mouth as the effects start to kick in*

The Queen: *to her husband* Darling… Look.

*The parents are amazed as the nut slowly shrinks her swollen head to normal size, her grin starting to relax and turn small while the beard grows shorter and shorter until finally it disappears. As soon as they are all gone, they can see that their Princess looks even beautiful as ever. But still, the ceremony is far from over as Kristoff starts to count his steps as he walks backwards*

Kristoff: One… Two…

Mouse Prince: *turns to Mouserinks* Mother! That…boy broke your curse! Now I'll never be king!

Madam Mouserinks: No, my son… It won't end this way, I won't let it. *climbs down the chandelier*

Kristoff: Three… Four…

Clara: C'mon, Kristoff.

Drosselmeyer: It's almost over… The curse will soon be lifted.

Kristoff: Five...

*In a desperate attempt, Mouserinks jumped from the chandelier and time seemed to slow down as she revealed her sharp fangs. Her son follows simultaneous as they fall toward the ground. Drosselmeyer suddenly looks up and sees the mice jump with Mouserinks reaching his nephew. By the time he realized what was about to happen.. It was too late*

Kristoff: Six… *SNAP!* OW!!!

*Mouserinks clenches her fangs right on Kristoff's left arm, the nephew could feel a stinging sensation as he opens his eyes seeing the fierce look on Mouserink's face. Kristoff swings his arm, sending Mouserinks hurling into the air onto the floor. Her son lands on the floor and swiftly turns to Clara, the young lady screaming in horror. Kristoff feels his arm start to numb and looks in horror as he sees it has become as stiff as wood. But his attention turns to his endangered sister*

Kristoff: Clara!

*Kristoff rushes over to his sister. Mouserinks turns and gasps as she sees that her son is right where Kristoff is about to step. Mouserinks manages to push her son out of the way… CRACK! Kristoff stands on something furry and falls back first onto the floor. The Royal Family watch in horror as Mouserinks' final spell goes into effect: His body starts to turn stiff and his structure shrinks. Drosselmeyer and Clara look down as their nephew slowly undergoes the transformation*

Kristoff: Clara…

Drosselmeyer: *narrating* Kristoff never stopped the curse. To the horror of his uncle and his sister, Kristoff transformed into a Nutcracker.

*Picking himself up, the Mouse Prince shakes his head when he sees something horrifying*

Mouse Prince: *eyes widen* Mother!

*The Mouse Prince rushes toward his mother, who lies clutching her chest as she lies face first on the floor. The Mouse Prince easily slides Mouserinks onto her back, she's still breathing but it's clear the damage is so great. With her last bits of breath, she looks up at her son*

Madam Mouserinks: *in between breaths* They called us evil, my son… But in reality, the humans are more evil than us… *lifts a hand, clutching her son's hand* My reign…belongs to you now… Bring down the humans… Avenge my suffering… Avenge me.

*All of a sudden, the Mouse Prince feels his mother's arm turn light and after she gives her last breath, it is all too clear: Madam Mouserinks, the Queen of the Mice… Is dead*

Mouse Prince: *a few tears fall* I promise, mother… I promise…

*The Mouse Prince clutches his mother's limp body, holding it close to him as he mourns as the people in the room watch. But then, as the mouse puts his mother down, his mood changes. A mouse who once looked as innocent as any young mouse now displayed the same bitterness and anger as his mother, his eyes with blaze of fire as he looks at the humans all around. He doesn't utter a word, yet his fury and anger spoke for him in particular towards Drosselmeyer, who holds his niece close*

*In that intense moment, the mouse prince and the old man stare eye-to-eye. In his eyes, however, he does not return the anger towards the young mouse. Rather, he only shared... Pity. But it only made the mouse angrier, as he holds back a tear struggling to slide down his face. He soon breaks away from the humans, scurrying off down the halls fading from view*

*As the tiny patter of feet began to die away, the King turns toward Drosselmeyer, who is leaning by his niece, who cries in his arms. The Nutcracker, formerly Kristoff, lays inches close to them. But unlike Drosselmeyer, there is no pity in The King's eyes*

The King: You… You're responsible for this!

Drosselmeyer: What? But-but-but the Princess… My nephew!

The King: Not another word out of you, Drosselmeyer! You…and you're niece…have my permission to leave!

Princess Pirlipat: Ugh!! And take that ugly Nutcracker with you!

The Queen: But my Lord… I…

The King: SILENCE!!! *motions to Drosselmeyer* This man has brought enough pain to our family! No more will I allow mischief to roam my castle. *to Drosselmeyer* Now you take the next boat off my island or I will drag you out myself. GO ON!!! GET OUT AND NEVER RETURN!!!

Drosselmeyer: *narrows his eyebrows* After all we've done for you... After the terrible fate that has befallen my nephew… This is how you reward us?

The Queen: Please, sir. He'll hurt you if you don't. Just take your niece and go… Please.

The King: If I were you, Drosselmeyer…if not me, then I'd listen to her.

Drosselmeyer: *picks up the Nutcracker* Come, Clara… We're not wanted here.

Drosselmeyer: *narrating* Seeing how hopeless it was, no matter all they did for them, Drosselmeyer would take his family and prepare to leave the Kingdom. Knowing they would never see the Island or The Royal Family, they would take the next ship and start over. And it just got "better".

*A pair of eyes, who sees the world in brown and white, sees Drosselmeyer walk out of the castle and into the courtyard. Hidden in a bush, it sees the old man carry the Nutcracker with Clara holding her uncle's arm as they proceed to walk to the pier. Drosselmeyer looked too distracted and so the mysterious creature saw it's chance. It lunges towards the girl before she can scream*

Clara: AAH!!!

*Drosselmeyer turned quickly towards the scream, but to his horror, his niece had vanished from where she stood. Drosselmeyer lays the Nutcracker onto the grass, turning every which way around the courtyard and even sweeping across the bushes. But Clara was nowhere to be seen, as if she was taken in the blink of an eye*

Drosselmeyer: Clara! Clara!! CLARA!!!!

*Then he heard a voice, a small male voice. There was no mistake, he knew where it came from and who took Clara*

Mouse Prince's Voice: How does it feel, Drosselmeyer? How does it feel to lose a family?! You took my mother; I took your nephew. Now your niece is mine… Forever!

Drosselmeyer: NOOOO!!!!

*Desperate, Drosselmeyer picks up a discarded small shovel and hurls it at the bush where the voice was the loudest. He hears the shovel clash and a loud squeak. He plunges himself into the bush, digging desperately to get his hand on the Mouse. But it is too late, the Mouse Prince had made his escape. Drosselmeyer, frustrated and upset, cries out up in the heavens*

Drosselmeyer: CLARRRRAAAA!!!!

*As Drosselmeyer finishes the story, some tears fall slightly down his chin as he wipes his face. The children are rather sad with the story while the other guests were silent as Drosselmeyer finished the story. Wives holding their husbands as they tried to comfort them. Marie was utterly shocked of how the story turned out*

Drosselmeyer: *clears his throat* And that was the last time Drosselmeyer ever saw his children.

Marie: Uncle, that was terrible!

Mother: That was a very sad story.

Drosselmeyer: I never said it would have a "happy ending" my dears. That's just how it happened.

Fritz: So, what ever happened to Mouserinks' son?

Drosselmeyer: That's the thing, lad. Her son was never seen again when Clara disappeared. Some say he died, others say he stowed away on some other boat to some island to start over. But I believe that the he is just waiting for the right moment to return: When he is old enough to have an army of his own, when he's strong and powerful. Mouserinks' son, who would now be King of the Mice, will never rest until the entire family would pay for killing his Mother. It's been a curse that has ran in the family ever since.

Marie: *looks into the face of the Nutcracker* Poor Nutcracker… His fate was worse than his broken jaw…

Drosselmeyer: There's no need to mourn for him, my dear. Even though the Nutcracker still endures his curse, there is still a way for him to be free.

Marie: There is? What is it?

Drosselmeyer: Well, this method is rather easy: If The Nutcracker were to earn the love of another, despite his ugliness, the spell will be broken. If not... Then, there's the harder way.

Father: The harder way?

Drosselmeyer: If in the event that Mouserinks' son lives and should the Nutcracker meet him in fierce combat, he must slay the Mouse King in order to regain his humanity. But for all I know, who's to say it might be "either-or". It might end up being "both" ways to break the curse... That's just what I think anyway.

Marie: *takes a ribbon from her dress and uses it to bandage the Nutcracker's jaw* He deserves better... He deserves to live happily ever after.

Drosselmeyer: Perhaps one day, he will get his happily ever after. But always remember, Marie: If you set your mind to what you want to do and never give up, you can accomplish anything. But for now… *turns to the Nutcracker* All he deserves now is the comfort and care of a very special caretaker. *smiles at Marie*

Louise: *approaches Marie* Someone very special, indeed. And speaking of which, I do have an announcement to make to lighten the mood a bit.

Marie: Hmmm?

Drosselmeyer: Oh, do tell us, Louise, my dear.

Louise: *to Drosselmeyer* Well Uncle, as you know, Marius and I have been seeing each other nearly every summer since my yearly visit to Russia. We've been walking through the palace grounds together and we talk over a midsummer night's feast along the lake. And well... *turns to Marius, smiles* We're engaged!

Mother: Oh, Louise! That's... That's wonderful!

Father: *to Marius* Is this true, boy? My daughter has agreed to your engagement proposal?

Marius: *bows* Oh yes, sir. We've come all this way to announce this to you personally. For of all the most beautiful roses that pave along the gardens, there is but one I found the most alluring. My good sir, I would be honored to be the loving husband your fair Louise deserves and I solemnly vow to take care of her as part of my family. Mother and father already agree to the marriage, all we ask is not permission but a humble blessing.

Father: *smiles* Ah, son, you shall have my blessing AND my permission. This is indeed a happy day for our family! *hugs Marius and Louise close to him* My children, we shall celebrate this day over at Christmas Dinner tomorrow!

Louise: *smile fades* Tomorrow? *pause* Oh... About that...

Father: What's wrong, dear?

Louise: *sighs* I'm sorry, Father... *to Marie* And to you, sister. I know it will be a wonderful Christmas. It's just... I'm afraid we won't be here to celebrate.

Fritz: Why not?

Marius: After we announced our engagement back home, father went out of his way to make everything perfect for the occasion. He has a whole parade laid out and he's already sent the invitations to royal guests from across the globe. We came to tell you the news, so we can return to Russia to prepare for our wedding.

Mother: Oh my... *looks to Father* Dear?

Father: *to Louise* My child, I understand that you're no longer the same little girl I used to carry around my shoulders. But must you leave so soon, after being away for so long?

Marie: *steps in* She can't be gone long! *to Louise* We'll still get to see you again next year. You will come and visit, won't you?

Louise: *lays a hand on Marie's shoulder* Marie, I love you. *to her family* As much as I love our parents. But the fact is: *turns back to Marie* Father is right. I'm not a child anymore and I'm going to be taking a lot of responsibility once married to Marius. Once we're settled, we may not get a chance to come back... Ever.

Marie: *steps back, confused* Not come back?

Louise: *shakes her head, speaks softly* I'm so sorry.

*Louise reaches out for her sister, to hold her in an embrace. But Marie only just turns away, clutching the Nutcracker close to her chest. She doesn't return the gaze toward her sister, as tears slowly fall down her face. Her parents were just as disappointed, even Fritz struggled to hold a few tears though he tried to allow his pride to forbid it. Finally, after a long silence, the father spoke*

Father: If you two must go, can you at least wait until morning? After all, the two of you have come such a long way and it's late enough as it is.

Marius: *nods his head* It was a long way to get here, sir. The wedding won't be till New Year's Day and there will still be a week's time to prepare. We'll gladly spend the night here and be ready to depart at first light.

Father: *nods* Fair enough. *turns to everyone* You may all return home, now. The party is over.

*Murmurs were heard and dishes clanked, as the party guests proceeded to gather their belongings. As they made to leave, while the servants cleared the tables, Marie stood in the middle of the crowd while her family went off to bid goodbye to their guests. She looks down as Marius and Louise walk past, her older sister looking back for a moment before turning away. Her mother walked past and stood by her daughter's side, saying nothing but placing a gentle hand on Marie's shoulder before departing to join the others. It was meant to be a joyous Christmas Eve, surrounded by family and friends, but now Marie felt alone*

*She looks down toward the Nutcracker, it's jaw still partially loose, and hugged the figurine to her chest. It was then she felt she wasn't entirely alone. For when it was all said and done... She still had her Nutcracker, in need of one special caretaker just as her uncle would've wanted*
Chapter 2 of The Nutcracker and the Mouse King.

Young Marie Stahlbaum's favorite Christmas toy, a Nutcracker, comes alive and, after defeating the evil Mouse King in battle, whisks her away to a magical kingdom populated by dolls.

Adapted from the story by E.T.A Hoffmann, and the ballet by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

Written by me and :iconwrestlemaniac829:

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tyrannosaurianrex9's avatar

I understand this is your take on the Mouse King's story, but if I'm making my version of The Nutcracker, I'm writing the Mouse King to be more evil. Ever since his siblings and his had been roaming around the castle, he sees how humans (or dolls depending on which world) are afraid of mice, which makes him believe how fun it was, and for fun, he scares everyone that comes into contact with him. When he realizes that Drosselmeyer had set traps to kill his entire family except him and his mother, he underestimated the humans/dolls realizing they would destroy his species, which renders his idea of killing all of humanity in order to bring more food for his kind. However, he didn't like his mother's decisions as she didn't intend to scare the humans/dolls as she only just wanted to feed her children, even she put a curse on Pirlipat instead of murdering her, which he'd thought to be a suitable punishment. To make matters worse, during the cure for Pirlipat's curse which he predicted this is gonna happen, the Mouse Prince pushed his own mother, while no one is looking, to where the Mouse Queen have "proven his point", thus dethroning her, and became a relentless warlord bent on genocide to the entire human/doll race. I'm not saying I hate your idea, I was just sharing mine to you. This is a good story.