
The Nutcracker and The Mouse King Chapter 6

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*Meanwhile, the Nutcracker, Marie and the rest of the dolls continued their journey through the thick, snow covered forest. While all the other dolls had already gone ahead, the small band of adventurers proceeded through the forest admiring the sights. For most of the dolls, they ventured through the snow as if they had traveled down this path more than once. But for Marie, it had given her a different perspective of the world she had known as snowflakes softly fell from the sky, twirling about almost as if they were dancing. Seeing the towering trees all around her, snow as wide as an ocean, and still a long ways to go before reaching their destination, it was so mysterious and magical all the same*

Marie: It's all so beautiful… I never knew such a place even existed.

Nutcracker: Neither did I.

Cassim: There are so many wonders that mankind has yet to fully discover. There's so much to this day that no one knows about… But that's what makes an adventure: To seek the unknown.

Rosaline: Oh Cassim, you're such a poet.

Ivan: Ah, yes… The Sugar Plum Fairies certainly have outdone themselves this year.

Marie: Excuse me, but…what are Sugar Plum Fairies?

Yin: From what we know according to ancient folklore…

Yang: It has been deduced that the Sugar Plum Fairies are part of a group of mystic beings as you refer to as the "fairy" folk, small beings who claim to be the work of "all" nature.

Marie: What makes them so special?

Cassim: Legends say that these fairies are what turn spring into winter, or vice-versa. They can make the sun rise and they can make the moon come out in any form they want. They can bring flowers into bloom or make leaves fall out of trees, they can awaken the animals, turn ice into water, just picture "anything" that can happen and these fairies can do just that. Anything is possible in this forest.

*Just then, the sound of a twig snapping was heard as Ivan was quickly alerted to it*

Ivan: Shh! Everyone, be quiet!

Marie: What is it?

Ivan: *puts a finger over his mouth* Shh! *whispers* Don't look now, but I think we're being…followed.

Rosaline: Followed? By whom?

*Ivan lowers his eyes and slowly turns, though he can barely see anything over there. So cautiously, he sneaks backwards and leans against one of the trees. He signals the team to be quiet and hide, as The Nutcracker leads the others to a nearby bush large enough for the Motley crew. As Ivan waits for the right moment, he hears the snow crunch and he pauses in position waiting for his moment. It gets closer…and closer…and closer…*

Ivan: *lunges for the follower* HA!!!

*Ivan tackles the figure, catching it off guard. They roll around in the snow for a few moments, as the others stick their heads out the bush to see. Finally, Ivan manages to get on top of the follower and pushes it's head into the snow. Judging by the figure, it looked like one of the mice*

Ivan: *pulls out a knife and puts it at the figure's throat* So… Thought you were pretty crafty, huh? Thought you could try to avenge your master and catch us by surprise? Well, think again, rodent! No one, and I mean NO ONE, makes a move on Ivan Moskowitz!!

Nutcracker: Don't do anything yet, Ivan! Let's see who it is first.

Ivan: Very well, sire.

*With Ivan still on top of the mouse, the Nutcracker moves a hand to the mouse and moves its head. When they see who it is, Marie and the Nutcracker gasp when they recognize who it is. It's the Female Mouse, the one who warned Marie of the Mouse King. Even The Nutcracker 'partially' recognized the mouse that one night. The others Dolls, however, think she's in allegiance with the Mouse King*

Ivan: Ha! It's the Mouse King's bride!! *lifts the knife up over her neck* Now to make sure there are no future heirs to the throne!

Marie: WAIT!!! Don't hurt her!! She's my friend!!

Yin & Yang: Huh?

Rosaline: You know this mouse?

Marie: Yes. She warned me that the Mouse King was going to kill Nutcracker. It was her idea to bribe him with candies.

Cassim: *to Nutcracker* Nutcracker, is this true?

Nutcracker: *nods* Yes, it is. I owe her my life. *to Ivan* Ivan, release her.

Ivan: What?

Nutcracker: Do it, Ivan… That's an order.

*Ivan pauses for a bit, looking at The Nutcracker and then back at the mouse, who looked up with pleading eyes at the solider. Ivan then gave a sigh, he couldn't disobey a direct order. It would ruin his image*

Ivan: Yes, sir. *gets off the mouse and let's her up*

Marie: *runs up and hugs the mouse* Oh, I'm so glad to see you again!

Female Mouse: *hugs back* Oh Marie, I was so scared. When the Mouse King went off after you, I thought you were done for. I'm so glad you're safe.

Marie: You were his bride? How come you never told me?

Female Mouse: Marie, believe me. There are so many things I wanted to tell you, so many things that I… *notices something odd* Marie… You've shrunk?

Marie: Yes, so I could accompany my friends to the Doll Kingdom.

Female Mouse: What wonders… Listen, I know this is a lot to take in and I understand that you have certain questions, but if you and your friends give me a chance to speak, I'll explain as much as I can.

Marie: Wait! At least tell us your name first. Please?

*The mouse, uncertain at first, turns from one member to the other. Most seemed curious, while Ivan, on the other hand, still lacked faith. But knowing they would find out eventually, the mouse takes a deep breath*

Female Mouse: Clara... My name is Clara.

Rosaline: Clara... That's a lovely name.

Nutcracker: Strange... I had a sister with the exact same name.

Clara: *turns to Nutcracker* Kristoff... It's me.

Nutcracker: *pause* What?

Cassim: Huh?

Marie: Wait, are you're his sister?

Clara: *nods* Yes!

Ivan: *in shock* Mother Russia!

Rosaline: *surprised* Oh my!

Nutcracker: *confused* But... No. No, it can't...

Clara: *holds the Nutcracker's hands* Think, Kristoff. You must try to remember; think back to when we were children.

*There was no doubt that the Nutcracker was trying his best to remember. He held his gaze towards the mouse, trying to find something familiar about her. She gazed back at him with pleading eyes, with that hope he'd remember. He strained trying to think back to something that would remind him of her, but he couldn't*

Clara: *lifts Nutcracker's head with her fingers* Do you remember this?

*The mouse then closed her eyes and began to hum a tune. It was a song known as "Waltz of the Flowers", a tune that somehow triggers a memory in Kristoff. All of a sudden, he felt his feet tap on the snow as the Mouse's humming got louder. Then, he started to see a memory, a memory of when he was a boy and how he taught his sister to dance when she dreamed of being a ballerina. How they waltz in the shop during closing hours. And as he remembers that, Kristoff and the Mouse approach and hand-in-hand, they dance to the music as the other Dolls and Maria watched. Soon they swayed from side-to-side like they were floating over the snow. And as they got to the higher beats, they began to dance faster, turning harder, the snow flying into the air with each kick and step. Lifting the mouse high in the air and twirling her in the air as her figure made contact with the snowflakes. They twirl faster…and faster…and faster…until finally they stop. They take deep breaths, slow and deep, as they looked each other in the eye. And then…it finally came to him*

Nutcracker: Yes... Yes, I remember now! *looks to Clara, smiles* Clara! *hugs Clara* Oh Clara, it is you! It really is you! *tears fall down his face*

Clara: *tears fall down her face as she hugs him back* Oh Kristoff, I've waited so long to see you again.

Nutcracker: What happened to you?

Clara: *sighs* It's a long story.

Cassim: I happen to like long stories…

Rosaline: As do I.

Yin: Yes, please tell us.

Yang: Please?

Clara: Alright… *sighs* It happened a long time ago…I remember my world getting "bigger"…

*A flashback reveals the same event that happened that long ago. A pair of eyes watching her world descend, fading underneath a fabric dress, the clank of the garden tool hitting the ground, and the mournful cry echoing in her ears…*

Drosselmeyer: CLARA!!!

*All this went on in Clara's memories, her body being dragged by a pair of hairy paws, the paws of the Mouse Prince himself. She found that she couldn't escape, dangling helplessly as the Prince carried her through the grass to a place only he knew. Soon she lost consciousness, her world turning black before her gaze*

Clara: *narrating* The Mouse Prince cast this spell on me. When he finished, he dragged me away from my Uncle and before I knew where we were going, my world went black.

*By the time Clara awoke, her body felt cold beneath the damp air. As she looked around, she discovered she was in a large chamber lying on what appeared to be bones all over the floor. Apart from that, only a single object stood apart in the room*

Clara: *narrating* When I awoke, I tried to come to terms with what happened. The first thing I wanted to do was escape. But there were no doors, no windows, only a mirror. When I looked at myself, I realized what the Mouse Prince had done to me: He not only shrunk me, but somehow he altered my body and transformed me into a mouse.

*Clara was speechless upon her sight, a part of her wanted to scream… But no words could escape her lips. Through the glass, it appeared that she was staring into the face of a complete stranger. A taller figure, more mouse-like than human except for her eyes, the only part of herself that remained human. Only one creature was responsible for this and she knew very well*

*Attempting to remain calm, Clara took the moment to gaze around her surroundings. Upon a further glance, the room was much larger than she imagined and just behind her it extended to a long hallway with openings along opposite sides. She then heard a quiet set of cries, coming from the end of the hall. Traversing down the chamber, passing one corridor after another, she made a turn to the last opening on the left and there before her was her captor himself*

*The Mouse Prince, sitting on a stone pedestal, staring down on a broken piece of glass on the floor. He lays his fingers upon his ears and all at once he winced from the contact. Clara could not see it clearly, but she felt that the Prince was in pain. With his face turned against her, she could not see the tears he struggled to hold back as he stared upon his fingers. The tips coated with blood, as if from a recent injury*

Clara: *softly, yet mad* What have you done to me?!

*At first, The Mouse Prince says nothing and neither does he turn to acknowledge Clara. Yet he makes he still acknowledged her presence, as he stares intently into the mirror*

Mouse Prince: That is no way to talk to a king.

Clara: You turned me into a mouse… Why?!

Mouse Prince: Isn't it obvious? I'm the last surviving Mouse of Schlaraffenland. All of my family are dead: Brothers… Sisters… Uncles… Aunts… Cousins… My mother. The only family I had and they were taken away from me. But what do you know? You don't know what it's like to lose…

Clara: *silently* A family? Yes, I do. *loudly* You just took me away from mine!

Mouse Prince: An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. Your uncle took something precious from me, so I've taken something precious from him! Now, we're even!

Clara: You better change me back, you little monster! Change me back, now!

Mouse Prince: *shouts* I can't! And even if I could, I don't want to! Now that my mother is dead, I am the King, which means I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, and I don't need to take orders from anyone, especially YOU!

Clara: Well, just because I'm a mouse, doesn't mean I have to take orders from you either! I'm going out to find my uncle, and even if he can't change me back, I'll still be with him!

Mouse Prince: Then go ahead, see if I care! You'll never even make it out the gates without getting stepped on or eaten by cats!

Clara: I'll take my chances!

Mouse Prince: I'll bet you will!

Clara: FINE! Goodbye, and good riddance!

*Turning in a huff, Clara makes her way out through the opening with intent to leave having had enough of the Mouse Prince. But she doesn't take no more than a few paces, however, when a soft sound stops her in her tracks. Overcome with curiosity, she slowly turns around and her bitterness starts to soften at a rare sight. The Mouse Prince leaning down in the cold stone, tears dripping down his face and soft whimpers escaping from his lips. For all the Prince had gone on of proclaiming himself a prince, in Clara's eyes… He was still a child. Small and scared, fragile and confused… But above all, alone*

*Clara turned her head back to where freedom laid before her, but she felt she just couldn't leave him… Not like this. With a sigh, she reached down to the side of her dress and tore a piece of cloth. The Mouse Prince heard the tear, followed by a set of footsteps approaching him. He slowly turned to face Clara, the girl silently staring at him with the cloth in her paws and staring at the dried tears on the Prince's face. She holds the cloth toward the Prince, who slowly takes it, then wrapping it around his head and over the ear to cover the bleeding. He turns back to Clara and though he could still see the anger in her eyes, there was another emotion she was feeling in that moment… Pity*

Clara: *narrating* I couldn't help but feel sorry for that little mouse. A part of me still hated him for his actions, but he was still a child who lost his family. I had to believe that what he really wanted, more than anything in the world, was a friend. So I stayed with the Mouse Prince, not against my will or out of love… I thought that if I could help him to become a better person, I could save him from becoming something far worse than he already was. Had I known what would become of us after that, I would've chosen differently.

*As Clara continues her narration, various scenes display a montage of what followed soon after. The Mouse Prince had already begun work on building his kingdom. A mass alliance of mice came together, from every corner of every street, to serve the Mouse Prince. To the young Prince, he saw his rise as king of an empire promising a future that would benefit to him alone. But as Clara looked on, the farther he rose to the top, the more she came to fear that power would doom all that stood opposed. And she would be forced to be by his side for a long time.*

Clara: *narrating* Years passed and I began to embrace my mousehood, became part of the Prince's culture. Eventually, after recruiting an army and finding a new home, The Mouse Prince would deem himself "King of the Mice" and I was to be engaged to him as his new Queen. Throughout the many years living with him, the Mouse King grew paranoid and insane! I tried all I could to talk him out of it, but all he thought about was his revenge against my family and I was trapped in his never-ending crusade. Sometimes at night, I would pray for a day when I would at least get to see either you or my uncle again. I had prayed for so many years…but they were never answered. All my hopes faded…

*The scene switches back to Clara telling the story to the others. It got emotional for some of the Dolls, Ivan trying to hold back some tears. Some of them were understanding how hard the mouse had especially Kristoff who was shocked about what was going on*

Clara: And then… *turns to Marie* I met you, Marie. And I knew then, that something would finally change for me. You reunited me with my brother.

Marie: I…I don't know what to say.

Clara: I know it's sounds so hard to believe… But I didn't have any other choice. I believed that if I continued to play the part, perhaps I could find a way for that mouse to realize the error of his ways and see the light. Otherwise, if I didn't become his queen, then…

*Clara paused for a moment, as she suddenly started to cry after all those memories. She turns to the Nutcracker, tears streamed down her eyes as she tried to appeal to him*

Clara: *continues* Kristoff, he would've killed me! You can't imagine what it was like to be his loyal bride-to-be knowing that at least it would keep me alive until the day someone would rescue me. *tears well up in her eyes* I would do anything to stay alive if it meant I can see you or Uncle Drosselmeyer again. But the Mouse King… That… That MONSTER!!! If I wanted to, I would’ve killed him myself and end his horrible lineage once and for all--!!

Nutcracker: Clara! *grabs Clara’s shoulders, looks deep into her eyes* Clara… All these years as a Nutcracker, I felt so helpless knowing I couldn't save you. I blamed myself, fearing my only sister died. But none of that matters now, the fact you're safe makes me feel warm inside. I'm never leaving you out of my sight again. *hugs Clara* I promise.

Clara: *hugs the Nutcracker tightly, shedding many tears* Kristoff…

Ivan: *eyes widen, to himself* Oh dear… I almost killed the Prince's sister…

Rosaline: *pats Ivan's shoulder with her chin* It's all right, Ivan. You didn't know.

*As the Nutcracker and Clara have their moment together, Marie walks up to Clara, taps her on the shoulder, and the mouse turns to the child*

Marie: Clara… I told myself that someway, somehow, I would make it up to you for saving me. I don't know how Uncle Drosselmeyer believes I can break your brother's curse, but if there's a way I will do whatever it takes. After all, that's what friends are for.

Clara: *hugs Marie* Thank you, Marie.

*So the girls hugged each other as the snow fell around them. Then, the Nutcracker decided to join in, followed by the Twins, Cassim, and Rosaline. Ivan was the last one to come up, still unsure of himself for almost making the mistake of his life. He took it rather hard for what he did and he himself found his actions questionable. But as he turned to the group, Cassim saw Ivan and urged him over. With a smile, Ivan joins into the group hug as well. It may have been hard for all of them, but now that they were together… They pledge to reach the Doll Kingdom and find a way to break the spell together*

*After that tender moment seemed to last a lifetime, The Dolls, with Marie following close behind, continued their journey through the forest. With the snow all around the fields, it was a wonder that the Dolls were able to even find the road to the Doll Kingdom. But for Rosaline, she was able to keep track for the path using her keen sense of smell. In all that time, Marie still could not get over the beauty of this strange yet marvelous place. Having never traveled farther than her hometown, everything about this place felt so foreign for this girl. Yet, through it all, Marie always found one thing about this place as wondrous, like looking at a painting on a mantle*

Rosaline: According to my sense of smell, we're on the right track. We should be nearing the edge of this forest by morning.

Yin: That's a relief.

Yang: We like nature just fine, but seeing nothing but trees and bushes gets rather repetitive.

Cassim: Take heed, my friends. Even when we're out of the woods, there'll still be many obstacles ahead of us.

Nutcracker: Like what?

Cassim: Word must have spread about the Mouse King's death by now. If what Clara told us is true, no doubt several mice will try to avenge their master. We'll have to proceed with absolute caution.

Ivan: That is the best idea I've heard yet.

*So they proceeded to walk through the woods. As they do, Ivan turns his attention to Clara. Ivan still felt bad about himself for accusing Clara of trying to kill them and so he hopes to start over. Though he doesn't show it at first, Ivan is nervous and at first doesn't know what to say without giving the wrong impression. Clearing his throat, Ivan walks over to Clara to speak to her*

Ivan: Um… Mistress Clara?

Clara: *turns to Ivan* Yes?

Ivan: I… I just wanted to say that… I-I'm sorry for how I behaved towards you earlier. If I had known you were the Nutcracker’s sister--

Clara: It's alright, Ivan. I tend to get that impression a lot with most people. Course, the Mouse King never usually lets me go to the surface as much as he does. Still, I do know how humans think of mice; people get scared looking at creatures like me.

Ivan: It's just that, for the longest time…the mice and my people have be sworn enemies… The dolls, I mean.

Clara: *shakes her head* I spent my whole childhood living with the mice. But I've come to learn not all of them are evil. They're no different from normal people, even Dolls. They do what they can to survive in a cold, cruel world and most of them don't have any other choice.

Ivan: We Dolls just never took the time to think of it that way. I confess I've had ill will toward the mice and a part of me still does. But understand, as a First Class Senior Officer, I'm merely doing my duty.

*Soon, the group come upon a large frozen lake that spanned 100 feet wide on all sides*

Marie: Oh dear, what do we do now?

Nutcracker: We're gonna have to cross it.

Ivan: *goes over to the lake* Hmm… *taps it with his foot* The lake's frozen solid! Yes, I'd say it looks strong enough. What are we waiting for?

Yang: Well… Aren't you going to go first?

Ivan: Well I… I mean… *clears his throat* Of course I am. After all, you're talking to a soldier who once had to cross a frozen stream barefoot! *looks around* There doesn't seem to be a sign saying "Danger", so come, comrades! This lake must be safe!

*Ivan stepped onto the lake and wobbly began to walk across it, the others slowly following suit. The group looked nervous at first, the women especially. Still, leading the group, this was Ivan's chance to prove his worth. He had to leave the image of a brave soldier and after all, Cassim said something about exploring the unknown and all. After all, the ice felt strong enough and so far nothing happened. That's when Ivan started getting confident… A little "too" confident*

Ivan: *turns to the group* You see? Nothing to it!

Rosaline: *wobbles* Whoa, dear! My hooves weren't meant for ice skating!

Cassim: It's all right, Rosaline. *steadies the horse and calms her, rubbing her face* Just lean more towards me and try not to move too much. We don't want to lean too much pressure in the middle of this lake.

Rosaline: A-All right. *does as she's told*

Ivan: Oh, come now, comrades, this is easy! I could practically cross this lake blind-folded.

Clara: Well, it's not easy for me. My claws can't get a grip on the ice.

Nutcracker: And it's hard to tell if this ice is strong enough; we can't afford any casualties.

Ivan: Oh, Nutcracker, don't be silly! That only happens in story books! I'll show ya. *jumps up and down on the ice* See look! Strong ice; solid as rocks! Come on!

Marie: Ivan, stop it! You're scaring me!

*All of a sudden, as Ivan keeps jumping on the ice, a loud "crack" is heard. Ivan stops for a moment with eyes wide open. He looks down and sees a small crack on the ice. But at that moment, the crack started getting bigger and spread farther and farther. Soon several more cracks start to follow slowly, but so far the ice does not break. Soon the cracks start to form a circle around the group, who look down nervously and try not to move*

Ivan: *eyes widen* That's not good.

Nutcracker: Everybody, don't move!

Yang: *huddles his sister close* You don't have to tell us twice!

Rosaline: Oh my!

*Marie starts feeling a sensation in her nose, as if she's about to sneeze. Marie tries to hold it in but it's an urge that refuses to be resisted. But just as Marie is about to sneeze, The Nutcracker holds it with his hand and the gang sigh in relief. But unfortunately for Ivan, that wasn't the case*

Ivan: AH-CHOOO!!!

*Ivan's sneeze was so loud that the ice broke apart from under their feet. Ivan manages to hurl himself onto a large chunk of ice, but the rest of the group fell into the cold water. The icy depths left a stinging sensation on those less fortunate to get on the ice as The Nutcracker and Cassim. They managed to pull the Twins and Marie onto the ice. It took a great number to lift Rosaline onto the ice, but they managed. As Ivan was relieved to see the group safe, he turns in horror and shock as he sees Clara struggling to latch onto a piece of ice*

Nutcracker: *turns and sees Clara* CLARA!!!

Clara: Kristoff!! Help me!! *her claws only scratch a piece of ice, but not enough for a good grip* I can't get up!!!

Marie: Hold on, Clara!

*Ivan watches nervously, scared of the predicament of his friends. But then he looks up, realizes what he has to do. A serious look spread across his face as he ran back towards the lake and dove into the water*

Ivan: *his head comes out of the water* Cripes, it's cold!

*Regardless, Ivan paddles hard toward Clara, the poor mouse flailing in the water trying desperately to stay afloat as long as possible. The team watch as Ivan swims closer and closer to Clara. A piece of ice gets in his way, Ivan takes a deep breath, and dives under the ice and breast strokes under the ice. Finally, after being under the water for some time, Ivan bursts out of the water and takes a big gulp of air. He turns to see Clara next to him and lifts her arm over his and swims toward the group, the ice drifting them farther from the two figures in the water. But still, Ivan kept swimming as hard as he could with Clara's arm around his shoulders*

Marie: He's got her!

Nutcracker: Swim, Ivan! Swim!

Rosaline: Come on, chap, you can make it!

*Though Ivan's arms grow sore and tired, Ivan could only think of Clara. He turns and sees that her body is blue and cold, the water freezing the mouse though her fur does it's best to keep her body warm. Ivan turns back and he wasn't going to let it end this way. This was his mistake and no life would be taken from this Earth for his own faults. Ivan paddled even harder and harder than before. That last bit of energy worked well for Ivan, as he paddled closer and closer to the block of ice with a good grip on Clara. The grip of a strong-hearted soldier, who refused to quit under the pressure*

Nutcracker: Ivan, gimme your hand!!

Ivan: No, comrade! Ladies first! *pushes Clara to the Nutcracker's arm*

Nutcracker: *grabs Clara's arm* Okay, pull!

*Everyone pulls with all their might, lifting Clara out of the water, as Ivan pushes her onto the ice from the water. When Clara was safe, lying on her back on the ice and hyperventilating, Ivan gripped the ice and pushed himself as hard as he could with Cassim and the Nutcracker hoisting the soldier onto the ice as well*

Clara: *coughs*

Nutcracker: *hugs Clara's head* Clara! Oh, thank goodness! *turns to Ivan* Thank you, comrade.

Ivan: *lifts his head up and wearily lifts a hand up* Y-Y-You're we-welcome. *plops his head back onto the ice*

Cassim: HA HA HA!!! Well done, sahib! You deserve a nice rest!

*As soon as the group managed to reach the other side of the lake, though the travel was long and strenuous, Marie and her friends made it to shore incredibly exhausted after that experience. So it was decided that they would camp out for the night, at least to regain some energy before moving on. Cassim had already got a campfire set up, though a little big, it would keep the group nice and warm at night. Everyone else was wrapped in their coats and blankets, anything they could use to keep warm. Looking down at her soaked and tattered dress, Clara tore off the top layer of the skirt, as well as both her sleeves, and removed her gloves, squeezing all the water out of them*

Clara: Well, this dress is ruined.

Yin: Aw, and it was such a nice one, too.

Clara: Thanks, but I don't want to risk traveling in frozen clothes. Least we still have a nice fire.

Cassim: True, but once we depart we still have miles of winter to travel before we reach the kingdom. *removes his cape* Here, I suggest you take this. You'll need it more than I. *tosses it to Clara*

Clara: Oh, thank you. *puts on the cape, cuddles in it* Ah, much better.

Cassim: A pleasure. *addresses the others* We'll spend the night here; then move out in the morning. Till then, I'm going to take first watch. Don't want anymore surprises. *climbs up to a tree and steadies himself on a large branch to keep an eye out for mice*

*While everyone was huddled up together by the fire, Ivan chose to separate himself from the group. He sat hunched by a tree staring at the ground. He wasn't even looking, his eyes were closed. So Clara went over to him, sensing something troubling him, and attempts to communicate with him*

Clara: Ivan, are you okay? What's the matter?

Ivan: *pause* I made it all up, Clara.

Clara: What?

Ivan: Everything I ever told you… Everything I told "everyone" about me is a lie. I'm not a First Class Senior Officer, I don't even belong to a class. All I ever wanted was to feel like a very special toy. But I didn't think anyone would allow just a boring old toy soldier into the group, much less a "hand-me-down" toy soldier. So… So I made up stories about being this Great First Class Senior Officer so the Dolls would like me, think I was special. But I was wrong! The truth is: I never fought in a war, I never crossed a frozen lake… Name "one" thing I said and I didn't even accomplish that! I just wanted to feel useful; but all I do is cause trouble and you almost drowned because of my ego. *puts his head on his knees* When will I ever learn?

Clara: Ivan… *puts a hand on his knee, causing Ivan to look up* that doesn't matter to me.

Ivan: It…it doesn't?

Clara: Of course not. You didn't have to tell all those stories just to impress anyone. It's not the cover of a book, it's the pages that matter.

Ivan: I don't understand.

Clara: Ivan, you saved my life. I wouldn't be sitting here right now if it wasn‘t for you. You're the bravest soldier I ever met.

Ivan: What can I say… *smiles* I like danger.

Clara: *smiles and giggles*

*Ivan wraps his arm around Clara's shoulder, pulling her close as she rests her head along his shoulder while he rests his head atop her own. So they sat together in front of the campfire, enjoying each other's company as the warmth from the flames nuzzled the pair*

*From his lookout spot on the tree, Cassim watched the whole take place between the mouse and the doll. He smiles at this sweet, tender scene as the two were brought together through this passionate embrace*

Cassim: That'll do, soldier…

*Several hours passed after that. Yin and Yang slept lying down along Rosaline's tummy, whilst Ivan and Clara were in their own little rest place. The Nutcracker poked his sword on the smoldering logs, making sure the fire stays strong till morning. The Nutcracker turns to see Marie sitting on a snow-covered hill. She sits there, leaning her legs, watching the night sky and at the moon that shines as brightly as the sun. The Nutcracker goes over to Marie and sits next to her*

Nutcracker: What are you thinking about?

Marie: Home… Wondering if my mother and father miss me. *chuckles* Even Fritz.

Nutcracker: *chuckles a moment, then sighs* Sometimes, I wonder if Uncle Drosselmeyer still thinks about me.

Marie: I'm sure he does. He's the most wonderful man in the world.

Nutcracker: Yes… Yes, he is. He's the only family Clara and I have left. Our father and mother died when we were children. Since then, Uncle Drosselmeyer was the only one who'd look out for us.

Marie: He is wonderful… It amazes me still what a great Godfather he's been. He's been a part of my life since I was a baby. And he'd always find time to visit me, especially during Christmas. Granted he can be scary at times; but he does love me as much as he loves you and Clara.

Nutcracker: *chuckles* What can I say? Uncle always had his way with children. There's no one like him.

Marie: I wish he were here…

Nutcracker: *turns to Marie* Marie… Do you think… He planned this from the very beginning?

Marie: Maybe… It is possible…

Nutcracker: Well, if he did… I’m glad. *grips Marie’s hand* If I hadn't met you, Marie, I'd never know how it feels to be in the tender hands of not just a wonderful caretaker, but possibly the greatest friend I've ever had in my whole life.

Marie: *smiles* I feel the same way about you, Nutcracker.

*Marie and the Nutcracker see each other eye to eye for a bit, then they lean closer and closer and they see a twinkle in their eyes. As a matter of fact, it catches Marie's attention as she sees a whole group of shooting stars flying into the night sky. Marie and The Nutcracker are amazed at the light show being displayed on this beautiful night.

Marie: Oh, look! *points to a star* A shooting star! *closes her eyes and crosses her fingers as the stars continue to fly by*

Nutcracker: What did you wish for?

Marie: *giggles* Oh, Nutcracker, I can't tell you that.

Nutcracker: Why not?

Marie: Because when you tell people your wish, it "never" comes true. My father always told me that if I ever saw a shooting star in the sky I'd make a wish. As long as I set my mind on what I want, someday… It will come true. Have you ever wished on a star before?

Nutcracker: There was this one wish of seeing my sister again. That came true. Apart from that, however, for as long as I could remember I had the same dream. The one wish I'd make every night, every year… But it never comes true. I don't know if it ever will. All I can do is hope.

Marie: Perhaps someday…it will, Nutcracker. Only if we just…believe.

*Marie and The Nutcracker embrace in a hug as the Shooting Stars soon got smaller and smaller. After a while, Marie gives a yawn and leans against The Nutcracker's chest. The Nutcracker smiles and without waking her, he slowly walks her back to the camp to join up with the others*

*All at once, a sequence of glittering lights flew along the sky which they first mistook for stars. But then they swirled around them, spreading golden dust all around and as they twirl a pair popped from the first, followed by another and another. They watch in awe, trying to stay awake, as the lights seemed to write words and draw pictures in the air with their magic dust. The work of beauty as made by the magic of the mystical beings of this land*

Nutcracker: Are those...?

Marie: The Sugar Plum Fairies... They're real! They're more beautiful than I ever imagined.

Nutcracker: *looks on* Yes… Beautiful.

*They all did their best to stay awake, as the sight was so mesmerizing. But it didn't take long for sleep to overcome the pair, yawns escaped from their lips as Marie leaned against the Nutcracker's shoulder before she passed out. The only member of the group who remained awake was Cassim himself, who sits comfortably on his branch watching the stunning display the fairies themselves put on*
Chapter 6 of The Nutcracker and the Mouse King.

Young Marie Stahlbaum's favorite Christmas toy, a Nutcracker, comes alive and, after defeating the evil Mouse King in battle, whisks her away to a magical kingdom populated by dolls.

Adapted from the story by E.T.A Hoffmann, and the ballet by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

Written by me and :iconwrestlemaniac829:

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Pristine1281's avatar
Not just one Sugar Plum Fairy.  Lovely hehehe.  I knew Clara was that female mouse.  Looks like something is happening with her and Ivan lol.